World’s Largest Wetland is on fire
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1st Sep, 2020
- The Pantanal region in Brazil is burning due to man-made fires.
- The world’s largest wetland is burning with the worst fires in the last 15 years.
- It has vegetation compacted under the marshy flood water which continue to smolder long (burn slowly with smoke but no flame) after the visible flames die down.
- The temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius made fire unstoppable and strong winds resulted in multiple firebreaks.
- The Pantanal in Brazil is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its unique biodiversity.
- It is a natural region encompassing the world’s largest tropical wetland area, and the world’s largest flooded grasslands.
- The region spreads in more than 150,000 sq. km in Brazil and also extends into Bolivia and Paraguay.
- Roughly 80% of the floodplains are submerged during the rainy seasons, nurturing a biologically diverse collection of aquatic plants.
- The region is rich with tapirs, pumas, capybaras and jaguars.