Every year, World Chess Day is observed on 20 July.
Every year, World Chess Day is observed on 20 July.
- The word 'chess' has been derived from 'Chaturanga,' meaning four divisions.
- The word 'Chaturanga' has different meanings for different people.
- Some people say it is called so because during early times, chess was mostly played by four people.
- However, others relate the meaning of the word to the four divisions of the game – bishop, knight, rook, and pawn.
- Around 600 CE, the game came to Sassanid Persia and was named Chatrang which later evolved and became Shatranj.
- According to a Persian manuscript, an Indian ambassador from the subcontinent gave the game to King Khosrow I.
- Later, the game became popular in most parts of the world, including the Byzantium & Arabian Peninsula.
- The International Chess Federation (FIDE) was established in the year 1924 in Paris on 20 July, and that is why the day is celebrated globally on 20 July every year.
- The FIDE decided to celebrate the 'International Chess Day' on its anniversary in 1966. And then the first 'International Chess Day' was observed in 1966 by all the chess players and enthusiasts around the world.
- The official declaration of World Chess Day to be observed on 20 July was made by the UN General Assembly on 12 December 2019.

- The UN supports chess as it believes that sports and games play a very important role in bringing every people together of the world despite their differences of race, language, ethnicity or religion.
- Chess is a highly intellectual game that involves high-order thinking, decision making, skillfulness, and deep critical thinking.
- The game was played by royals before it was introduced to their subjects.
- Chess also involves brainstorming, creativity, tactical moves, and high-order reasoning.
- Playing chess increases the mental capabilities of players and helps them to think out of the box.
- The winners of chess are often labelled as people with high mental capabilities.
- Chess is a global game that can be played by anyone and anywhere, regardless of gender, age, social and economic status, and physical capability.
- World Chess Day is celebrated to encourage people to play the game and increase their mental strength and level of thinking.