220 children have been admitted to KendriyaVidyalayas (KVs) under the PM Cares for Children Scheme in the country.
220 children have been admitted to KendriyaVidyalayas (KVs) under the PM Cares for Children Scheme in the country.
About PM CARES for Children Scheme
- PM CARES for Children Scheme is an initiative to provide financial assistance to support such children who have lost both the Parents or legal Guardian or Adoptive Parents or Surviving Parent to COVID-19 pandemic.
- The Prime Minister of India has launched the PM CARES for Children Scheme on 29th May, 2021.

- Objective of the PM CARES for children scheme is-
- To ensure comprehensive care and protection of Children in a sustained manner, and enable their wellbeing through health insurance.
- Empower them through education.
- Equip them for self-sufficient existence with financial support on reaching 23 years of age.
Associated Ministry
- The Ministry of Women and Child Welfare has been entrusted with the responsibility of anchoring the PM CARES for Children scheme, in collaboration with stakeholder Ministries, States and District Administration.
- PM CARES for Children Scheme is a central sector scheme.
- It means that the central government would provide 100% funding for the PM CARES for Children Scheme.
- If someone needs an education loan for professional courses or higher education, then PM-CARES will help in that too.
- For other daily needs, arrangements have also been made for 4 thousand rupees every month for them through other schemes.
- Rs 10 lakh will be given on attaining the age of 23 years.
- Children will be given health coverage through the Ayushman Card and emotional counselling through samvad helpline for psychological and emotional help.
Associated Benefits
- Under Scholarship for PM CARES Children, an allowance of ?20,000/- per child per annum would be provided. It will cover the entire school fees, cost of the books and uniform, shoes and other educational equipment by providing-
- Monthly allowance of ?1,000 per month
- Annual academic allowance of Rs. 8,000.
- 3945 Children have been benefited under the Scheme with an amount of ?7.89 crore during 2022-23.