The National Clinical Management Protocol released
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Science & Technology
- Published
11th Oct, 2020
- The National Clinical Management Protocol based on Ayurveda and Yoga for the management of Covid-19 was released.
- Ministry: Jointly by Ministry for Health and Ministry for AYUSH.
- Prepared by Experts and other national research organizations according to Report & Recommendations of the Interdisciplinary Committee
- The protocol contains detailed self-care guidelines for preventive health measures to help protect against COVID-19 pandemic.
- Clinical studies have established some Ayurveda interventions like Ashwagandha, Laung & Giloy as anti-inflammatory, antiviral & immunity-modulating which help protect against COVID-19.
- Measures: Drinking herb-infused warm water or turmeric milk, steam inhalation, gargling, moderate exercise and a set of medicines to be used for prophylaxis and treatment.