Thalassemia Screening and Counselling Centre
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Science & Technology
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20th Aug, 2020
- A Thalassemia Screening and Counselling Centre were recently inaugurated at Indian Red Cross Society’s National Headquarters (IRCS NHQ) Blood Bank.
- Thalassemia is a chronic blood disorder due to which a patient cannot make enough haemoglobin found in Red Blood Cells (RBC’s).
- This leads to Anaemia and patients also require blood transfusions every two to three weeks to survive.
- These Thalassemia syndromes are caused by inheritance of abnormal (beta) Thalassemia genes from both parents and abnormal beta-Thalassemia gene from one parent and abnormal variant haemoglobin gene from the other parent.
- The new initiative of IRCS will provide adequate therapy and prevent the birth of children affected with hemoglobinopathies.
- Haemoglobinopathies: It is a genetic defect that results in abnormal structure of one of the globin chains of the haemoglobin molecule.
- Defects in these genes can produce abnormal haemoglobin and Anaemia.
- It will be done through carrier screening, genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis.