Tech for Tribals launched
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Polity & Governance
- Published
15th Oct, 2020
- TRIFED, IIT Kanpur and Chhattisgarh MFP Federation E-Launch “Tech for Tribals” Initiative.
- It is a programme by TRIFED, in collaboration with the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) under the Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme (ESDP).
- It aims at the holistic development of tribal with a focus on entrepreneurship development, soft skills, IT, and business development through SHGs operating through Van DhanVikasKendras (VDVKs).
- Van DhanKendras :TRIFED under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs is establishing 1,200 “Van DhanVikas Kendra (VDVK)”, across 28 States engaging 3.6 Lakhs Tribal Forest Produce gatherers.
- One VDVK comprises of 15 Self Help Groups, each consisting of 20 Tribal gatherers.
- Van DhanVikasKendras initiative aims to promote MFPs-centric livelihood development of tribal gatherers and artisans.
- It mainstreams the tribal community by promoting primary level value addition to MFP at grassroots level.
- Through this initiative, the share of tribal in the value chain of Non-Timber Forest Produce is expected to rise from the present 20% to around 60%.