In a first in the country, the Tamil Nadu government notified Kaduvur slender loris sanctuary covering 11,806 hectares in Karur and Dindigul districts.

- The Kadavur slender loris sanctuary is to cover Vedasandur, Dindigul East and Natham taluks in Dindigul district and Kadavur taluk in Karur district.
- The government notified 'Kadavur slender loris sanctuary' under Section 26 (A)(1)(b) of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
About Slender Loris
- Slender loris (Loris tardigradus) is a shy, secretive and reclusive species of primate, and has nocturnal habits.
- They are small nocturnal mammals that are arboreal in nature as they spend most of their life on trees.
- They are usually solitary but sometimes found in pairs.
- It is native to Southern India and Sri Lanka.
- It is commonly found in the tropical scrubs, deciduous forests and scrubs as well as the dense hedgerow plantations bordering farmlands.
Protection Status
- IUCN - Endangered
- CITES - Appendix II
- Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 - Schedule I
- It eats lantana berries, insects, lizards, small birds, tree frogs, tender leaves and buds.
- It plays a key role in controlling agricultural crop pests in organic farms.
- The species acts as a biological predator of pests in agricultural crops and benefits farmers.
- The lifespan of Slender Loris is about 10 to 12 years in its natural habitat.
- It has a wide range of ecological roles to play in the terrestrial ecosystem.
- The survival of the species depends on its habitat improvement, conservation efforts and mitigation of threats.
- Habitat loss
- Electrocution of live wires
- Road accidents
- Illegal smuggling.