Recently, the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) has taken a unique initiative to support the research efforts of bright young minds of the Country by developing the Studentship Program for Ayurveda Research Ken (SPARK) for Ayurveda students studying in recognised Ayurveda colleges.

About SPARK Program
- This Initiative is taken by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS).
- SPARK aims to support the research ideas of young undergraduate students enrolled in Ayurveda Colleges across India.
- The selected fellows will be offered a financial support of Rs.50,000 under the fellowship.
- Initially there will be a total 100 seats per session and further details may be accessed at the program portal.
Application process-
- The application process for SPARK will be completely online.
- Interested candidates will be required to submit their research proposals through the SPARK Portal.
- The proposals will be evaluated by eminent experts and reviewers.
- The selected fellows will be offered a financial support of Rs.50, 000 under the fellowship.
- Scientific research: It will support the innovative ideas of young students and promote the culture of evidence based scientific research in the field of Traditional Medicine.
- Research ideas: SPARK program is primarily developed to help students develop acumen for research and to further support and incentivise their research ideas.
About Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS)
- CCRAS is an autonomous body of the Ministry of AYUSH.
- It is an apex body in India for the formulation, coordination, development and promotion of research on scientific lines in Ayurveda and Sowa-Rigpa system of medicine.
- CCRAS has developed and implemented a wide range of schemes and programs to serve the citizens.
- The Council has accelerated quality research activity in the domains of Ayurveda and allied sciences.
- The Council has not only developed popular formulations such as Ayush-64, it has as many as 18 formulations and technologies.
- The Council is currently working on research and development projects in collaboration with leading research institutions in Romania, Germany, Israel, USA, Canada and the World Health Organisation (WHO).