Source - Sink Dynamics in Tiger population
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5th Aug, 2020
- Source–sink dynamics is a theoretical model used by ecologists to describe how variation in habitat quality may affect the population growth or decline of organisms.
- In this model, organisms occupy two patches of habitat.
- Source, is a high-quality habitat that on average allows the population to increase.
- Sink, is very low-quality habitat that, on its own, would not be able to support a population.
- However, if the excess of individuals produced in the source frequently moves to the sink, the sink population can persist indefinitely.
- The tiger survey has highlighted that the tiger population in the source-sink is in the ratio of 60:40.
- 33% of the tiger population in India lives outside its source i.e., tiger reserves.
- 17/50 tiger reserves in India are going to achieve its maximum capacity to hold the tiger populations.
- Tiger survey suggested that there is a need to create buffer areas around the habitat zones of tigers where guided land-use and faster conservation interventions can help reduce human-tiger conflict.