Recently, the SIPRI Yearbook 2022 got released, which assesses the current state of armaments, disarmament and international security.
Key-highlights of the Report
Nine nuclear-armed states
The United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
- Despite a marginal decrease in the number of nuclear warheads in 2021, nuclear arsenals are expected to grow over the coming decade.
- In-total: The nine nuclear-armed states continue to modernise their nuclear arsenals and although the total number of nuclear weapons declined slightly between January 2021 and January 2022.
- These together possessed an estimated 13,080 nuclear weapons at the start of 2021.
- It was 13,400 in 2019.
- US & Russia: Russia and the U.S. together possessed over 90% of global nuclear weapons. Further, both of them have an extensive and expensive modernisation programme underway.
- Both countries’ deployed strategic nuclear forces were within the limits set by a bilateral nuclear arms reduction treaty (2010 Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, New START).
* Note, however, that New START does not limit total non-strategic nuclear warhead inventories.
- China: SIPRI’s estimate of China’s total inventory is the same as for January 2021, the number of stockpiled warheads potentially available for use has changed because new launchers became operational during 2021.
- China is in the middle of a substantial expansion of its nuclear weapon arsenal, which satellite images indicate includes the construction of over 300 new missile silos.
- India and & Pakistan: India and Pakistan appear to be expanding their nuclear arsenals, and both countries introduced and continued to develop new types of nuclear delivery systems in 2021.

Landmarks for nuclear diplomacy
There were several landmarks in nuclear diplomacy during the past year.
- These included the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in January 2021, having received the required 50 state ratifications
- The extension for five years of New START, the last remaining bilateral arms control agreement between the world's two leading nuclear powers
- The start of talks on the USA rejoining, and Iran returning to compliance with, the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
- SIPRI was established in 1966.
- Located in: Stockholm, Sweden
- SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament.
- It provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public.