Recently, India commemorated August 14, as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.
- The commemoration was announced by the Prime Minister on this date last year.

- On August 14, Pakistan emerged as a political entity after Partition and is observed as Independence Day of Pakistan.
About Partition Horrors Remembrance Day
- The day is observed to commemorate the “struggles and sacrifices” of millions of people who were displaced and lost their lives during Partition.
- This day is a national Memorial Day in India. The day commemorates the victims and sufferings of people during Partition of India.
- It remembers the sufferings of Indians during partition.
- Objective
- The day was announced with the aim of reminding Indians of the need of removing social divisions and disharmony.
- It seeks to further strengthen the spirit of oneness, social harmony and human empowerment.
Important facts about Partition
- Partition was the division of British India into two independent dominions namely India and Pakistan.
- These two dominions have gone through further reorganisation.
- The Dominion of India is called the Republic of India.
Recorded horrors of partition
- About 2 million people were killed in the most brutal ways.
- An estimated 1,00,000 women were kidnapped and raped.
- More than 15 million men, women and children were displaced.
- Loss of territory and people to the west and the east.
- Worst of the horrors seen in Punjab and Bengal (colonial insensitivity in the thoughtless partition).
- The Dominion of Pakistan was composed of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
- Partition basically divided two provinces, Bengal and Punjab on the basis of district-wide non-Muslim or Muslim majorities.
- Partition also led to the division of the British Indian Army, Royal Indian Navy, Indian Civil Service, central treasury and railways.
- The partition was done in accordance with the Indian Independence Act 1947.
- The act also dissolved the British Raj in India.
- Dominions of India and Pakistan legally came into existence on 15 August 1947.