Recently, the inaugural Global Drug Policy Index was released by the Harm Reduction Consortium.
Recently, the inaugural Global Drug Policy Index was released by the Harm Reduction Consortium.
- Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, the UK and Australia are the five leading countries on humane and health-driven drug policies.
- The five lowest-ranking countries are Brazil, Uganda, Indonesia, Kenya, and Mexico.
- India’s rank is 18 out of 30 countries

India’s status
India has an overall score of 46/100.
- use of extreme sentencing and responses, it has a score of 63/100
- health and harm reduction: 49/100
- proportionality of criminal justice response: 38/100
- availability and access of internationally controlled substances for the relief of pain and suffering: 33 /100.
About the index
- Global Drug Policy Index is a data-driven global analysis of drug policies and their implementation.
- It provides each country with a score and ranking that shows how much their drug policies and their implementation align with the United Nations principles of human rights, health, and development.
- It evaluates the performance of 30 countries covering all regions of the world.
- It is made up of 75 guidelines that apply to all five broad dimensions of drug policy-
- criminal justice
- extreme responses
- health and harm reduction
- access to internationally controlled medicines, and development
Responsible organizations
- It is a project of the Harm Reduction Consortium, whose partners include-
- European Network of People Who Use Drugs (EuroNPUD)
- Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA)
- Eurasian Network of People who Use Drugs (ENPUD)
- Global Drug Policy Observatory (GDPO) / Swansea University
- Harm Reduction International (HRI)
- International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
- Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association (MENAHRA)
- West African Drug Policy Network (WADPN)
- Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN)
- Youth RISE