Current Affairs

Nomination to the Rajya Sabha

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    Polity & Governance
  • Published
    8th Jul, 2022
  • Context

    The government nominated musician Ilaiyaraaja, track-and-field icon PT Usha, Telugu screenwriter V Vijayendra Prasad, and philanthropist and spiritual leader Veerendra Heggade to Rajya Sabha. 

  • Background

    • Indian Parliamentary system is based on the Westminster model, consisting of Lower House and Upper House.
    • On the other hand Indian Federal structure is in line with the USA’s model.
    • The Parliament is bifurcated into two houses, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, the lower house and the upper house.
    • The upper house, i.e., the Rajya Sabha is also known as ‘Council of States’.
    • Rajya Sabha is the permanent house of the Parliament which never dissolves.
  • Analysis

    Constitutional Provisions regarding seats of Rajya Sabha:

    Current Nominated members

    1. Shri K.T.S. Tulsi
    2. Shri Swapan Dasgupta
    3. Dr. Subramanian Swamy
    4. Dr. Narendra Jadhav
    5. Shri Suresh Gopi
    6. Mrs. Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom
    7. Shri Sambhajiraje Chhatrapati
    8. Smt. Roopa Ganguly
    9. Shri Ram Shakal
    10. Shri Rakesh Sinha
    11. Dr. Sonal Mansingh
    12. Shri Raghunath Mohapatra
    • Article 80 of the Constitution of India defines about the composition of the upper house of the Parliament, i.e., the Rajya Sabha; The council of states shall consist of:
    • Twelve members to be nominated by the President in accordance with the provisions
    • Not more than two hundred and thirty eight representatives of the states and of the Union Territories.
    • Article 80 (3) defines the provisions for nomination; The members to be nominated by the President shall consist of persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as the following:
      • Literature
      • Science
      • Art
      • Social service
    • Grounds for Disqualification: A nominated member of the Rajya Sabha can join a party within Six months of his/her date of taking charge of the office. Prior to six months, if any nominated member opts to join a political party will be considered as a reasonable ground for disqualification.
  • Power and functions of Nominated members:

    • Powers and privileges: Nominated members of the Rajya Sabha enjoy the same power and privileges as an elect MP.
    • House Proceedings: Nominated members can take part in the proceedings of the House in the normal manner as elected members do.

      First 12 nominated members were;

      1. Zakir Husain, who later became the President of India;
      2. Historian Kalidas Nag
      3. Historian Radha Kumud Mookerji;
      4. The eminent Hindi poet Maithilisharan Gupt;
      5. Gandhian author Kakasaheb Kalelkar;
      6. Scientist Satyendranath Bose;
      7. Social worker N R Malkani;
      8. Danseuse Rukmini Devi Arundale;
      9. Gandhian scholar J M Kumarappa;
      10. Jurist Alladi Krishnaswami;
      11. Actor Prithviraj Kapoor; and
      12. Medical scientist Major General S S Sokhey.
    • Voting rights:
      • Presidential Voting: Nominated members of the Rajya Sabha do not have right to vote in the Presidential Election.
      • Vice-Presidential Voting: Nominated members have the right to vote in Vice-Presidential election.
      • Voting rights in the house: Nominated members possess equal power regarding voting rights in the house for any matter.
    • Terms of Office: The member of the Rajya Sabha can hold office for a 6 years period.
  • Why such nomination?

    • Opportunity to the eminent personalities: Nomination provides an opportunity to seasoned people who may not be in the thickest of the political fray.
    • Participation in the developmental process: Eminent personalities with a wide knowledge base, without political recognition get the chance to debate and discuss in the process of the development of the nation.
    • Water mark knowledge: They do not represent political parties or anything, but they represent really the high watermark of literature or art or culture, which can add value to the developmental process.

      Words of 1st Prime Minister

      The President has nominated some members of the Council of States who, if I may say so, are among the most distinguished…in arts, science, etc…. They do not represent political parties or anything, but they represent really the high watermark of literature or art or culture or whatever it may be.

  • What are the certain concerns regarding nominated members?

    • Inadequate attendance: Many nominated members in the recent times had rarely showed up in the house discussion and proceedings.
    • Politicization: Neutrality of the nominated members and loyalty towards literature, science and art and social service remains questionable as there is a scope to join a party within six months of nomination. Ruling party try influence the nomination by promoting people with identical ideologies to shore up their numbers in the house.
    • Skewedness: Even those nominated members who remain independent are skewed towards the ruling party regime.
  • Conclusion:

    Nominated members with great knowledge base and expertise contribute the knowledge in the developmental process. Certain concern regarding politicization of members and inadequate attendance hampers the democratic ideas and the objective of the nomination.

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