NITI Aayog in collaboration with RMI released ‘Towards a Clean Energy Economy’ report
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7th Jul, 2020
- The new report on clean energy transition in India titled “Towards a Clean Energy Economy: Post-Covid-19 Opportunities for India’s Energy and Mobility Sectors” brought out jointly by the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog and the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) to support India’s clean energy future.
- The report has recommended specific actions and laid down four principles as a framework by which India can revive two of our economic powerhouses – the transport and power sectors from the COVID-19 effect that has impacted their demand and supply.
- India’s transport sector can save 7 gigatonnes (GT) of cumulative carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and avoid about 600 million tonnes of oil equivalent in fuel demand by 2030.
- RMI India is an independent non-profit organization that works towards accelerating India’s transition to a clean, prosperous, and inclusive energy future.
- Headquarter– New Delhi