National Training Academy for Rural Self-Employment Training Institutes
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5th Sep, 2020
- Ministry of Rural Development laid e-Foundation stone laying ceremony of new training Institute of National Academy of RUDSETI (NAR) at Bengaluru.
- The NAR undertakes monitoring, mentoring and capacity building of the Rural Self-Employment Training Institutes staff, State/UT Rural Livelihood Mission staff and the concerned Bank officials on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Development.
- At present, these trainings are conducted in rented premises in Bengaluru or different premises in States/UTs.
- It is society established jointly by three agencies i.e. Syndicate Bank, Canara Bank and SDME Trust (Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Education Trust) based at Ujire in Karnataka.
- The initiative was taken way back in 1982.
- Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) has recognized RUDSETI approach of promoting micro enterprises as an effective model for addressing unemployment problem & creation of sustainable livelihood.
- The institutions designed as to ensure necessary skill training and skill up gradation of the rural BPL youth to mitigate the unemployment problem.
- RSETI concept is based on RUDSETI (Rural Development and Self-Employment Training Institute).