NABARD grant assistance to SHGs
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16th Jul, 2020
- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) has disbursed Rs 2.51 crore of grant assistance to Self Help Groups (SHGs) for promotion, skill development and digitisation of records in Karnataka.
- This funding is a part of E-Shakti or Digitisation of SHGs an initiative of Micro Credit and Innovations Department (mCID) of NABARD.
- The project is being implemented in 250 districts across the country.
- NABARD has extended a grant assistance of Rs 221.89 crore to support 298 watershed projects in Karnataka.
- To mitigate the COVID 19 impact on rural population, NABARD has released Rs 2200 crore in the state to the Co-operative and Regional Rural Banks under a special line of credit over and above the normal limits.