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Mars losing its atmosphere to outer space at faster rate than Earth: MOM

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    Awareness in Space
  • Published
    26th Oct, 2020

The ISRO Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) has found that Mars is losing its atmosphere to outer space at faster rate as compared to that of the earth.

  • The ISRO Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) has found that Mars is losing its atmosphere to outer space at faster rate as compared to that of the earth.
  • The report comes based on the study conducted by MOM and the MAVEN orbiter of the US.
  • A global dust storm began to encircle the planet Mars in June 2018. This is called “planet-encircling dust event”. This storm heated and expanded the Martian upper atmosphere.
  • MOM observed the Martian atmosphere by diving down to altitude of 155 km (from the Martian surface).
  • The MENCA of the orbiter then measured the neutral densities of Mars thermosphere. With these observations, it has been concluded that the Martian atmosphere is undergoing warming and expansion. (MENCA is Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser.)
  • Mars Orbiter Mission
    • The main objective of the MOM is to study the Martian atmosphere, its morphology and mineralogy and Martian Surface Features.
    • It is also called Mangalyaan. It was launched in September 24, 2014. India is the first country to launch a Mars Mission in its first attempt.
    • It was a US space craft launched to study Mars. MAVEN is Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution.  

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