ITUC Global Rights Index 2020
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World Affairs
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23rd Jul, 2020
- In accordance with the 7th edition of “International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Global Rights Index 2020-The World’s Worst Countries for Workers”.
- India became the new entrant in the 10 worst countries for working people in the world, with a rating of 5 that states “No guarantee of rights”.
- The index ranked 144 countries on the basis of respect for workers’ rights.
- The other countries among the worst ten are- Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, , Kazakhstan, Philippines, Turkey and Zimbabwe along with Egypt & Honduras being other two new entrants apart from India.
- On the region front, Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is the worst region with 4.44 rating followed by Asia-Pacific with 4.09 in the world for working people for seven years (2014-2020).
- India’s ranking was based on three factors viz. Mass dismissals, Brutal repression of strikes, and Regressive laws.