The Gujarat forest department is planning to restore 10,000 hectares of the Banni grasslands in the coming year, and every year in the coming decade.
About Banni grasslands of Gujarat
- Banni grassland was declared a Protected Forest in 1955, under the Indian Forest Act, 1927.
- Banni, a high-biodiversity area, is situated in Arid climate, with high temperatures most of the time which reach up to 48°C -50°C during May June and winter temperature goes down to 5°C – 8°C during December January.
- Flora & fauna: The grassland have 40 species of grass and 99 species of flowering plants.
- It is also home to the Indian wolf, jackal, Indian fox, desert fox, desert cat, caracal, hyena, chinkara, Nilgai, wild boar, Indian hare and common monitor lizard.
- Banni also has 273 bird species and in years of good rainfall, is home to thousands of migratory birds.

Grasslands of Gujarat
- The grasslands of Gujarat constitute about 4.33 per cent (8,490 sq km) of the total geographical area, distributed in eight districts and three different climatic regions:
- Kutch
- Saurashtra
- Central Gujarat
- A majority of grasslands in Gujarat (41 per cent) are found in the Kutch district.
Deterioration of grassland (responsible reasons)
- heavy uncontrolled grazing
- widespread ingress of Prosopis Juliflora (a harmful exotic tree species)
- dams constructed on rivers flowing towards Banni
- periodic occurrence of droughts
- continuous increase in soil salinity