Envi-Stats India 2020 Report
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13th Oct, 2020

- National Statistical Office(NSO) released the state-wise data in the EnviStats India 2020 report.
- The report covers the biophysical aspects of the environment and those aspects of the socio-economic system that directly influence and interact with the environment.
- Heat Waves: The average number of heat wave days has increased by 82.6% year-on-year to 157 in 2019 with the highest number recorded in Rajasthan followed by Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
- Deaths Due to Heat Waves: The deaths due to heat waves in 2019 saw a sharp jump from 26 in 2018 to 373 in 2019.However, it was slightly lower than 375 in 2017.
- Acute Respiratory Infection: The deaths due to acute respiratory infection in 2018 were 3,740 (highest in six years).The highest number of deaths were reported in West Bengal.
- Particulate Matter (PM): In 2018, the particulate matter of size less than or equal to 10 µm was the highest in Delhi followed by Ahmedabad and Mumbai.
- Drinking Water: The tube well and hand pump were the primary source of drinking water in rural India with a share of 53.8%.On the other hand, piped water, public tap, and standpipe were the primary source in urban areas with a share of 65%.
- Slum Population: Andhra Pradesh had the highest number of slum population followed by Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.
- Motor Vehicles: Delhi had the highest number of registered motor vehicles in the country followed by Bengaluru.