Economical nonsurgical prevention of cataract
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Science & Technology
- Published
5th Aug, 2020
- A team of scientists from the Institute of Nano Science & Technology (INST), an autonomous institute under the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India has developed Nano rods from Aspirin and found it to be an effective non–invasive small molecule-based Nano therapeutics against cataract.
- Their research published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
- The aspirin Nano rods prevent the aggregation of crystalline protein and various peptides derived from its fragmentation, which play a crucial role in cataract formation.
- Cataract a major form of blindness that occurs when the structure of crystalline proteins that make up the lens in our eyes deteriorates, causing damaged or disorganised proteins to aggregate and form a milky blue or brown layer, which ultimately affects lens transparency.
- Thus, prevention of the formation of these aggregates as well as their destruction in the early stage of disease progression is a major treatment strategy for cataracts.