CSIR Ushered Repurposed Drugs’ portal called CuRED
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Science & Technology
- Published
23rd Oct, 2020

- The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launched “CSIR Ushered Repurposed Drugs” portal called CuRED.
- Portal will provide the details about drugs repurposed by CSIR.
- Also, the portal will provide details about clinical trials of devices and diagnostics.
- The Council for scientific and Industrial Research was exploring different combination clinical trials and also conducted several force-directed therapies for the treatment of covid-19.
- It is also working with the ministry of Ayush for clinical trials of Ayush drugs.
- Ayush Path Portal was launched to provide real-time information of critical Healthcare supplies in the country.
- This portal will provide information about Ambulatory items and supplies, primary medical supplies, auxiliary supplies, Diagnostic instruments and accessories, personal protective equipment, drugs, Diagnostic kit and other medical equipment.
- This portal was also launched by the CSIR.