Conservation Assured | Tiger Standards [CA|TS]
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1st Aug, 2020
- CA|TS is a conservation tool developed in 2013, in collaboration with field managers, tiger experts and government agencies engaged in tiger conservation.
- It sets best practice and standards to manage target species, and encourages assessments to benchmark progress.
- Tigers are the first species selected for the initiative.
- CA|TS is being adopted for use beyond tigers, including potentially jaguars, lions and freshwater dolphins.
- WWF is helping tiger range countries to implement CA|TS.
- National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) announced the adoption of the across all of the country’s 50 Tiger Reserves.
- These 50 Tiger Reserves are spread across 18 states containing over 70% of the world’s tiger population.
- By this India becomes first among the 13 tiger range countries to nationally adopt CA|TS.
- This brings India’s total number of registered sites to 94 (which include sites outside the Tiger Reserves).