Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund
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World Affairs
- Published
31st Jul, 2020
- Asian Development Bank has approved USD 3 million (equivalent to Rs 22 crore) grants to India from the Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund to support India’s battle against COVID – 19.
- The grant is financed by the Japanese government.
- It will be used to seek thermal scanners, enhancement of disease surveillance and early detection, contact tracing, and treatment.
- COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support (CARES) programme of ADB provides immediate support for urgent public health measures as well as social protection measures for the poor and economically vulnerable, women and unprivileged groups.
- The CARES programme is funded through the CPRO under the Countercyclical Support Facility.
- COVID-19 pandemic response option (CPRO) was established to provide assistance to the member countries’ pandemic response.
- ADB is a regional development bank established in 1966.
- Its headquarters are located in Manila, Philippines. India became a member of ADB since its foundation.