AditiUrjaSanch inaugurated
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23rd Oct, 2020

- The Union Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences recently inaugurated the Dimethyl ether (DME) fired “AditiUrjaSanch” unit along with the DME-LPG blended fuel cylinders.
- It is a newly designed Burner.
- The new design is efficient for both DME and the blend of DME and LPG.
- Novel design and flexible air access.
- The new nozzle design allows optimum oxygen access for combustion.
- The angles at which nozzles are placed maximize the heat transfer area across the utensils.
- Optimum flame velocity can be obtained.
- The length of the flame (high, low, and medium) can be adjusted by altering the oxygen ingress.
- Dimethyl ether (DME) is an ultra-clean fuel.
- CSIR-NCL has developed nation’s first kind of DME pilot plant with 20-24Kg/day capacity.
- The conventional LPG burner is not suitable for DME combustion as DME density is different than LPG.
- To address this issue, CSIR- NCL’s “AditiUrjaSanch” was developed.