4 coral species recorded for first time in Indian Waters: Study
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24th Jun, 2022
Scientists have recorded four species of azooxanthellate corals for the first time in Indian waters.

The four species
- The four species, were recorded from the waters of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, named
- Truncatoflabellum crissum
- T. incrustatum
- T. aculeatum
- T. irregular
- There were 227 species of azooxanthellate scleractinian corals belonging to 71 genera reported from Indian Ocean region.
- All four specimens were previously recorded from Japan to the Philippines and Australian waters while only T. crassum was reported within the range of Indo-West Pacific distribution including the Gulf of Aden and the Persian Gulf.
Azooxanthellate corals
- Azooxanthellate corals are a group of corals that do not contain zooxanthellae -- unicellular, golden-brown algae.
- They are found in dark habitats, especially within caverns.
- Their distribution is not limited to the upper layer of ocean alone, but are known from the tropical seas to polar seas and from the intertidal zone to over 6,328 metres depth.